Surgical Errors

Representing Victims of Surgical Mistakes

All surgeries carry a degree of risk, but that risk skyrockets when medical professionals act negligently, recklessly, or deliberately wrongfully. Surgical mistakes are an example of medical malpractice, which is traumatic on multiple levels for victims and their families. In addition to the physical and emotional challenges that can result from a surgical error, victims often face the significant financial burden of additional surgeries, being unable to return to work, and other injury-related expenses. Contact the surgical error attorneys at Vlasac & Shmaruk, LLC, serving all Pennsylvania and New Jersey areas, to speak with us about pursuing compensation for your injuries.

Common Surgical Errors

Surgical errors are particularly distressing because they compromise our trust and confidence in the medical profession. When such errors occur, the negligent surgeon should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Our attorneys represent victims of the following surgical mistakes:

  • Wrong patient surgery: A patient’s identity is mistaken, and surgery intended for someone else is performed on that person.
  • Wrong site surgery: Surgery is performed on the wrong part of the body. Wrong site surgeries include making incisions on the wrong side of the body, operating on or amputating the wrong limb, or removing the wrong organ.
  • Surgical instruments left inside the body: Sponges, gauze, tweezers, probes, clamps, towels, or retractors are left in the body after the incisions have been sutured.
  • Use of improperly sterilized equipment
  • Surgery unrelated to a patient’s diagnosis
  • Surgical errors during childbirth

How Our Attorneys Can Help

If you or a loved one has been injured because of a medical professional’s negligence, you could be entitled to financial damages. The attorneys of Vlasac & Shmaruk, LLC, will arrange for an investigation of the surgical mistake, and begin compiling evidence to prove negligence on the part of the doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional at-fault for your injury. Staying mindful of the statute of limitations in New Jersey and Pennsylvania medical malpractice cases, we will pursue all means of compensation to help pay for your medical treatment, rehabilitation, loss of income, and other expenses stemming from your injury.

Tragically, certain surgical errors can result in wrongful death. In these cases, the family may explore taking legal action against the negligent medical professional responsible for the death. Please contact our law firm for more details.

Contact Our Surgical Error Attorneys

If you or a loved one is the victim of a surgical error, contact the attorneys of Vlasac & Shmaruk, LLC, to schedule a free consultation at our Pennsylvania or New Jersey offices.
