Hospital Negligence

Working on Behalf of Hospital Negligence Victims

Hospitals have a responsibility to provide quality patient care and make decisions that are in the best interest of their patients. When they fail to provide adequate care, and a patient is injured as a result of this negligence, the victim is entitled to financial compensation. If you or a loved one has encountered hospital negligence, contact the medical negligence attorneys of Vlasac & Shmaruk, LLC, serving Pennsylvania and New Jersey, to schedule a free consultation. Our attorneys, John Vlasac and Boris Shmaruk, speak both Spanish and Russian for your convenience.

About Hospital Negligence

Hospital negligence is a form of medical malpractice that occurs in a hospital setting – either by doctors, nurses, technicians, or other employees. Hospital personnel have a duty to keep the facilities clean and safe, and administrators are accountable for making sure that staff members are trained, work reasonable hours, and are rested enough to make responsible decisions regarding patients and their treatment. In situations where these standards are not upheld, the hospital is at risk of being negligent and compromising a patient’s well-being.

Examples of Hospital Negligence

Our attorneys represent victims injured by the following types of hospital negligence:

  • Failure to prevent patient falls
  • Insufficient communication between personnel relating to a patient’s diagnosis and treatment plan
  • Negligent supervision of patients
  • Anesthesia mistakes
  • Medication errors
  • Surgical errors
  • Not meeting the minimum standard of care
  • Untrained employees
  • Overworked or tired employees
  • Using defective equipment
  • Failure to follow the correct protocol in situations such as the spread of infection, violent injuries, or other incidents

How Our Attorneys Can Help

In cases of hospital negligence, our legal team will utilize every available tool and resource to prove that the hospital breached its duty of care, harmed a patient, and should compensate the victim for his or her injury. From the moment we are retained, our medical negligence attorneys work tirelessly to draft a legal strategy that demonstrates wrongful behavior on the part of the hospital, and demonstrates the victim’s physical and emotional trauma as a result of this behavior. We also clearly illustrate the victim’s need for compensation to cover additional medical bills, loss of income, and pain and suffering.

Contact Our Medical Negligence Attorneys

If you or a loved one was harmed as a result of receiving substandard care in a hospital, contact the multilingual medical negligence attorneys at Vlasac & Shmaruk, LLC, serving all of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. We offer free consultations to evaluate your case and provide guidance regarding your legal options.
