Pedestrian Accidents

Taking the Right Steps toward Justice

If you or a loved one is involved in a pedestrian accident, you may need the support of a skilled attorney. At Vlasac & Shmaruk, our lawyers have in-depth knowledge of all legal matters pertaining to pedestrian accidents in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York. Pedestrians can be seriously injured, or even killed, if struck by a moving vehicle; and it is almost never their fault. As the victim of a pedestrian accident, you are entitled to fair compensation for any losses, pain, or suffering you have experienced, whether financial, physical, or emotional. Our lawyers are sympathetic to your situation, yet also aggressive in navigating the complex legal system, so justice is served. Regardless of the causes, a pedestrian accident is a serious matter, and usually the result of careless and irresponsible driving. There are pedestrian accident laws that protect individuals who travel by foot on roadways. With the help of an esteemed attorney, the responsible party in a pedestrian accident will be liable for any damages. To learn more about pedestrian accidents, and your rights, contact any of our offices throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York.

Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrians are the most vulnerable victims of a motor vehicle accident. Risk of injury – minor, severe, or catastrophic – is high when a pedestrian is struck by a moving vehicle.

More than 4,000 pedestrians died in pedestrian-vehicle accidents in 2009 and there were 59,000 reported pedestrian injuries. In addition, research shows that many pedestrian injuries are never reported to the police. There were 157 pedestrian deaths in New Jersey and 134 pedestrian deaths in Pennsylvania in 2009. The cost of pedestrian death and injuries to children 14 and younger is more than $5 billion annually nationally.

Pedestrian accidents frequently are caused by:

  • Inattentive drivers failing to see a pedestrian or failing to yield at an intersection
  • Drivers turning into a pedestrian
  • Drivers not obeying traffic laws
  • Aggressive driving, such as speeding or tailgating
  • Drivers dozing
  • Drivers under the influence of alcohol or other substances

Vlasac & Shmaruk has succeeded in winning millions of dollars for clients. We conduct thorough investigations and extensive research in order to best serve victims in pedestrian accidents.

Learn More about Pedestrian Accidents

There are important steps one should take immediately after a pedestrian accident takes place. While this may be a difficult and emotional time in your life, with the help of a dedicated pedestrian accident lawyer, we hope to make it a little bit easier. We will thoroughly investigate every aspect of the situation, including the location of the accident, driver information, and insurance policies. Our goal is to present a case that ensures the best possible outcome for you and your family. To learn more about pedestrian accidents and your legal rights, contact us today at our New Jersey, New York, or Pennsylvania offices.
