New Jersey Medication Errors Lawsuit Personal Injury Lawyer

Legal action for Medication Errors Lawyer

The most common kinds of medical malpractice-related injuries are those resulting from medication mistakes. If the medication is given in a hospital or physician’s office or taken at pharmacies, minor and egregious errors in the administration of medication can result in severe injuries, health problems and even death. If you’ve suffered injuries or lost someone you love because of medication errors or mistakes, you should consult a skilled personal injury attorney for a lawsuit involving medication errors to evaluate your claim. Vlasac & Shmaruk, LLC is an outstanding legal firm for personal injuries located in New Jersey, that handles medical error lawsuits.

New Jersey Medication Lawsuit Personal Injury Lawyer

Injured by Incorrect Prescription Drugs?

The medicines you get from your doctor or pharmacist can improve your health and quite often make a positive impact in your life. But, if you’re prescribed the wrong dose or a totally different drug, severe damage can occur. Mistakes in medication can result in harm in two ways: either the medication results in injury or the incorrect dosage causes serious health problems. In either scenario the doctor who is negligently dispensing the incorrect medication is accountable for the harm the errors they made result in towards your health.

Common Errors in Medication

There are a myriad of drugs that are prescription only, which means they are controlled substances which a physician must recommend or give to patients. It is believed that preventable medication errors occur more than 1 million times each calendar year within the U.S. and account for thousands of injuries and deaths. Common kinds of errors in medication that could cause the death or injury of a patient include:

  • Pharmacies filling prescriptions using the dose or dosage that is incorrect or not the right one.
  • Misusing the wrong mix or dose of medication
  • Hospital personnel who administer the wrong medication or dosage or frequency
  • Incorrect labeling or instructions for the medication
  • Doctor prescribes the wrong drug

The wrong medication or not getting the right medication could cause serious harm or even death. If you or someone you love has been injured by an unintentional, or malicious medication error or a mishap in New Jersey, contact our expert lawyers via Vlasac & Shmaruk, LLC. We will evaluate your claim and provide legal guidance regarding your options. If we manage your medical mistakes, injury claim or wrongful death claim, we will fight on behalf of your family members and for you to get the money you deserve to ease your suffering and pain.
